Sophie Powell

Sophie is a bodymind maturation coach. 

Maturation coaching is about outgrowing what is no longer serving you or yours to carry in the first place. It involves bringing awareness to blindspots (those things we don’t know that we don’t know) that may be keeping you stuck. 

Sophie offers free 30 minute connection calls if you would like to chat further about maturation coaching and stepping into your own maturation. 

Sessions can be in person or online. 

If you are working with Sophie 1:1 you are also invited to come to her coaching circle at Healing Haven in Poole for free. 

What is Maturation Coaching?

  • Maturation coaching is about outgrowing what is no longer serving you or yours to carry in the first place. It involves bringing awareness to blindspots (those things we don’t know that we don’t know) that may be keeping you stuck.

    Within our bodies, we can hold stuck energy, experience repeating emotional patterns and the way in which we feel in and hold our bodies can be influenced by our past. 

    In terms of the mind, in this work we explore who is the ‘me’ we know ourselves to be and is this really who we are? What has shaped who we know ourselves to be? And how is our identity shaping our world and what is possible for us to create in life?

    Sophie will help you get to the root of what is stuck and limiting you so it can be healed and outgrown. This work is deep and transformational. 

  • Bodymind maturation coaching is for you if:

    You are ready to do deep inner work and know that when we do this work it can have a powerful affect on our lives.

    If you feel like you have done everything right and yet you just don’t feel happy and don’t know why. 

    You may have a sense that past experiences are impacting you now. 

    You may have a sense that something is stuck and holding you back from living the life you really desire. 

    You may experience repeating patterns in life, like the same kind of relationships or repeating emotions. 

    You are ready to realise that there are many possibilities for you and your life and to step into your full power. 

3 Month Package

  • 6 sessions of 60 minutes over 3 months, with check-ins via message inbetween sessions.

6 Month Package

  • 12 sessions of 60 minutes over 6 months, with check ins via message inbetween sessions.

Contact Sophie




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