
All appointments begin with an initial consultation to determine your needs and a personalised course of treatment.

Some of the methods used can be found below.

  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body. In Chinese medicine these points are situated on channels which are connected with the organs. Acupuncture helps to restore health by stimulating the Qi (energy), Blood and bodily fluids so that they flow smoothly throughout the body.

    Click here to find out more about acupuncture

  • Cupping

    Cupping can be used to regulate the Qi and Blood flow through the body. This treatment involves the application of glass or suction cups which are typically placed on the back and shoulders. Cupping is often used to relieve tension and muscle soreness.

    Click here to find out more about cupping

  • Gua Sha

    Gua Sha is most commonly used on the neck, shoulders and back but can be used elsewhere. It helps to remove heat and toxins from the body whilst also promoting the smooth flow of Blood and Qi.

    Click here to find out more about Gua sha