Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage, or MLD, is a gentle massage technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic system, aiding in the removal of toxins and waste from the body.


During a consultation, clients discuss their health concerns and goals with the practitioner, who explains what happens during a MLD massage.

What is manual lymphatic drainage (MLD)?

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a specialized massage technique that encourages the natural drainage of the lymphatic system, which carries waste and toxins away from the tissues and back toward the heart.

What conditions can manual lymphatic drainage help with?

MLD can help with various conditions, including lymphedema, post-surgery swelling, fibromyalgia, sinus congestion, and detoxification.

How many sessions of MLD are typically needed to see results?

The number of MLD sessions needed varies depending on the individual and the condition being treated. Generally, multiple sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results.

Are there any side effects associated with manual lymphatic drainage?

Manual lymphatic drainage is generally safe, but it may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions such as acute infections, congestive heart failure, or active cancer. Side effects are rare but may include temporary fatigue or mild soreness.

How does manual lymphatic drainage differ from traditional massage?

Unlike traditional massage, manual lymphatic drainage uses light, rhythmic strokes and gentle pumping motions to stimulate lymphatic flow without applying deep pressure to the muscles.

Meet The Therapist

Nomi Kreiser

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